Supporting Home Learning & Well-being
Below are a range of websites that will further develop and consolidate learning outside of school.
Please see below our Remote Learning - Information for Parents.
If you would like any help or support, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo
Writing and Phonics
KS2 Writing inspired from images
WhiteRose Maths - including videos of lessons
Mental health and physical wellbeing resources
Advice for children and families
Mind - wellbeing resources and advice
Sport England - staying active tips
Tips for autistic people and families
Please check out the Body Coach on YouTube kids too for some fantastic workouts and ways to keep active!
Websites to support with Bereavement
Mixed maths and English
Maths and English games KS1 and KS2
Classroom Secrets home packs KS1 and KS2
Purple Mash
Documents supporting children's health and well-being
Children's digital safety wellbeing kit
Parent's digital safety wellbeing kit
Children's guide to coronavirus