School Uniform
Wearing the school uniform helps the children feel part of our school family. Our logo was designed by one of our children to reflect our motto, ‘From tiny seeds to glorious trees’.
Logoed school uniform is available from or from
EYFS and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2):
- White long sleeved or short sleeved shirt or white polo shirt (with or without logo)
- Burgundy jumper or cardigan (with or without logo)
- Optional school tie – available from the school office
- Grey or black school trousers (not jeans), long shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
- Red or burgundy checked summer dress
- White or grey socks or tights
- Completely black school shoes
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 upwards):
- White long sleeved or short sleeved shirt (white polo shirt without a tie can be worn on the Summer Term only)
- Burgundy jumper or cardigan (with or without logo)
- School tie – the first tie is a gift from the school in Year 3, any additional ties need to be purchased from the school office
- Grey or black school trousers (not jeans), long shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
- Red or burgundy checked summer dress
- White or grey socks or tights
- Completely black school shoes
Cherry Blossom House:
Children in Cherry Blossom House should endeavor to wear the uniform; however, due to identified needs, this may not be possible.
When the children have a PE lesson, they should come to school in their PE kit on that day.
- Plain white T-shirt (with or without logo)
- Black or navy jogging bottoms or shorts
- Black or navy hoodie type top
- Trainers
Forest School:
When the children are having a Forest School session, they should bring their clothes in a separate bag to change in to.
- Wellies or an old pair of shoes/trainers – for reasons of safety the whole of the foot must be enclosed
- Socks – extra pairs may be handy on cold days
- Long trousers – needed all year round to protect legs
- Long sleeved top – needed all year round to protect arms
More details will be sent out in a separate Forest School letter, but the children are likely to get muddy so please do not send in new clothes.
Jewellery must not be worn - stud earrings only.
School uniform with logos can be ordered from or from but parents are able to purchase plain uniform items from supermarkets and other clothing outlets. We do not insist that uniform has a logo.Our PTFA also hold second hand uniform sales throughout the year.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name.