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Meet the Governors

Our governors are a dedicated group of people who volunteer their time to improve and support Woodcote Primary School; they are our ‘critical friends’ in helping us to develop further. As part of their role, the governors often visit the school during the school day. The visits often have a particular focus and we have a Governor Visits book situated in the reception area where you are able to read their comments.


Stephen Parker - Chair of Governors, Local Authority Governor

 Co-opted Governor (previously referred to as Community Governor)

I have been a governor at Woodcote for more than 25 years now. I started as a parent governor when my children attended the school and now, I have a Grandchild being educated here.

I am a retired structural draughtsman with interests in wildlife, science & sustainable lifestyles.

I find my work as governor very rewarding. It pleases me to see the children develop their academic & life skills with more confidence than I had as a child.


Term of Office: 10th October 2020 – 9th October 2024.

Committees: Premises / Health & Safety, Finance & Personnel, Pay Committee, Headteacher Performance Management.

Other Duties: Governor Training, Science, Physical Education, Religious Education, School Development Plan reports

Register of interests:

1. Relevant business interests: None

2. Other educational establishments of which I am a governor: None

3. Any relationships between members of the staff at the school, including spouse, partner or relative: None

 Suzanne Jones - Headteacher Governor

Headteacher Governor 

When I joined the school in 2012, I became part of the governing body and over the years we have been on a journey of development. Our governors are a really important part of our school, being a 'critical friend', giving supportive challenge and enabling us to continue to move forwards and develop. Education is a journey and we are supported on that journey by the experience and strength of our governing body.  

Committees: Premises / Health & Safety, Finance & Personnel,  Curriculum, Clerk’s Performance Management

Other Duties: School Development Plan reports 

Register of interests:

1. Relevant business interests: None

2. Other educational establishments of which I am a governor: None

3. Any relationships between members of the staff at the school, including spouse, partner or relative: None 

Tim Massingham - Staff Governor

 Co-opted Governor

I initially started helping out at Woodcote, volunteering to coach the football club. I then took the opportunity to became a Parent Governor in 2015. Last year I became more involved in the Forest School and decided to train as a Forest School Practitioner (FSP). I am now working full time in the school as a FSP and I'm currently based in Cherry Blossom House support the children with their social, emotional and mental health through Forest School education.   

Term of Office: 19th November 2021 – 18th November 2025

Committees: Curriculum 

Other Duties: Special Educational Needs, Public Relations

Register of interests:

1. Relevant business interests: None

2. Other educational establishments of which I am a governor: None

3. Any relationships between members of the staff at the school, including spouse, partner or relative: Mrs N. Massingham, Mrs K. Massingham


Vacancy -  Co-opted Governor

 Co-opted Governor


Javier Navamuel -  Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair

 Co-opted Governor

I moved to England three years ago from Spain;  I fell in love with the Midlands and the National Forest. I am an Industrial Engineer with more than 20 years' worldwide experience in manufacturing business. I enjoy being dedicated to my family and am pleased to be given the opportunity to support the community of Woodcote.

Term of Office: 23rd January 2023 - 22nd January 2027

Committees: Premises / Health & Safety, Finance & Personnel,  Curriculum, Head Teacher Performance Management

Other Duties:

Register of Interests:

1. Relevant business interests: None

2. Other educational establishments of which I am a governor: None

3. Any relationships between members of the staff at the school, including spouse, partner or relative: None

Claire Coates  - Parent Governor

 Parent Governor

Term of Office: 13th November 2023 - 12th November 2027


Other Duties:

Register of Interests:

1. Relevant business interests: None

2. Other educational establishments of which I am a governor: None

3. Any relationships between members of the staff at the school, including spouse, partner or relative: None

Dave Robson - Parent Governor

Parent Governor

Term of Office: 8th February 2022 - 7th February 2026


Other Duties:

Register of Interests:

1. Relevant business interests: None

2. Other educational establishments of which I am a governor: None

3. Any relationships between members of the staff at the school, including spouse, partner or relative: None

Vacancy - Parent Governor

Parent Governor