Subject Leader - Mrs Oselton
At Woodcote we use the White Rose scheme of work to teach maths. White Rose teaches children mathematical concepts through practical, pictorial and written methods in order to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths. Fluency in maths is about developing a secure number sense, being able to choose and use the most appropriate method for the task in hand and being able to apply a skill to multiple contexts.
The White Rose uses the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach, which is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep understanding of maths. We believe that when introduced to a new concept, all children should have the opportunity to build competency by taking the CPA approach.
Concrete - Concrete is the 'doing' stage. Children have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing.
Pictorial - Pictorial is the 'seeing' stage. Here, visual representations of concrete objects are used to model problems. This stage encourages children to make a mental connection between the physical object they just handled and the abstract pictures, diagrams or models that represent the objects from the problem. Building or drawing a model makes it easier for children to grasp abstract concepts (for example, fractions).
Abstract - Abstract is the 'symbolic' stage, where children use abstract symbols to model problems. Children will not progress to this stage until they have demonstrated that they have a solid understanding of the concrete and pictorial stages of the problem. The abstract stage involves the teacher introducing abstract concepts (for example, mathematical symbols). Children are introduced to the concept at a symbolic level, using only numbers, notation and mathematical symbols (for example +, -, x, /) to indicate addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
Below you will find the Maths Progression document, Maths Policy and Calculation Policies. The documents will help you to understand how the Maths learning develops through the children's journey at Woodcote.
Maths Models and Manipulatives Policy
Children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 participate in the Mastering Number approach by NCETM to support them to develop good number sense. In Key Stage 1, this involves additional short maths sessions throughout the week alongside their maths lessons. For EYFS, the daily Mastering Number session is used as their direct teacher-led lessons with the White Rose scheme supplementing this. The aim is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number to support success in the future.
For more information about the Mastering Number approach, please click on the links below.
Maths at home
1-Minute Maths by White Rose Maths
To support your child and help them build greater number confidence and fluency, a free app is available to download from the White Rose Hub - the maths scheme we follow at school. The app can be downloaded through the following links: Apple , Android , Amazon
How does it work?
Each 1 minute task gives children engaging and targeted practice in basic number. The app covers a range of topics on arithmetic and subitising, generating questions randomly so your child never sees the same ones in sequence. This means that they learn the concept and not a series of answers. Once a task completes, answers are presented on the screen giving your child instant feedback. The app has no specific starting point, so a child can pick up and play at any time with no set place to start. It's so simple to use and most of all, it's lots of fun!
10 reasons for using the 1-Minute Maths app:
1. Excellent number practice with no distractions.
2. Enjoyable tasks children want to complete.
3. Instills basic number concepts during early years.
4. A clear process that children pick up immediately.
5. No login or internet access needed. Download and play!
6. A motivator - children enjoy trying to beat their last score!
7. Helpful hints give support when needed.
8. Brilliant for building confidence and fluency.
9. Random question generator instills concepts, not answers.
10. Completely FREE to download!
EYFS: The experts suggest your child begins with tasks about subitising. It's one of the most critical number skills a young child develops - recognising number groups without counting.
Year 1: First check to see if your child has mastered subitising. Next, we recommend moving onto tasks focused on adding or subtracting number bonds to 10.
Year 2: For children in Year 2, we suggest trying tasks focused on adding or subtracting number bonds to 20. Again, we recommend you first check your child's ability with number bonds to 10 before starting these tasks to 20.
Have fun! Remember, you can always speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions.
See more information here about the app:
1-Minute Maths App Information
In Key Stage 1, we use NumBots to support the children's core understanding of maths from an early age. The creators of Times Tables Rock Stars have produced this platform for boosting addition and subtraction skills. NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve children's recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have!
We recommend playing for at least 3 minutes a day, 4 or 5 days a week. NumBots is available to play on the website or mobile app, so your child will be able to learn maths at home or on-the-go! The app can be downloaded through the following links: Apple , Google Play , Amazon
If your child has lost/forgotten their log in details, please ask the class teacher and they will be happy to sort this for you.
Times Tables Rock Stars
We use a programme in school called 'Times Tables Rock Stars' which helps develop and reinforce knowledge of times tables. As well as using this programme in school, all children in Key Stage 2 have their own username and password to continue this practice at home. Times tables are recognised as essential to access many mathematical concepts as the children progress through school. At the end of Year 4, the children now have to complete a Multiplication and Times Tables Check and the test is completed on a computer, so Times Tables Rock Stars is good practice for them. TTRockstars also allows them to get used to the time limits they will face in the test and get used to the different ways they may be asked the questions. The children are able to set up challenges between themselves and there are whole class challenges too.
Research shows that daily practise is the best strategy for children to learn these important facts. Short bursts of daily practice are much more effective than spending hours once a week.
Times Tables Rockstars Website
If your child has lost/forgotten their log in details, please ask the class teacher and they will be happy to sort this for you.
Please see the parent guides below: