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British Values & SMSC

How we promote British Values at Woodcote 2022-25


By promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of all of all pupils, we simultaneously promote fundamental British Values. Please click here to see our SMSC policy.


The identified British Values are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance


At Woodcote, we actively promote these values in so many ways, in our lessons, on the playground, in the dinner hall, inside and outside of school. It is central to everything that our staff model and demonstrate our children. Our promotion of British Values starts when our children enter our EYFS. Understanding their school rules, their responsibilities, how to interact with others, how to develop their own interests and independence and understand the notions of fairness and tolerance are just some ways in which our youngest children are introduced to these values


A selection of ways we promote British Values:

  • Cover all of the values extensively in our PSHE and RE curriculums from EYFS to Year 6. Our curriculum helps us to teach our children about fairness, justice and democratic values, laws, individual freedoms and also responsibilities and respect and tolerance for all differences.
  • Actively challenging any behaviours and language which is contrary and undermines these British Values, following our Behaviour Policy, our Inclusion and Diversity Policy, our Anti-Bullying Policy and enacting our Prevent Duty.
  • Teach our children to follow our school rules, our ‘rule of law’ and the consequences of not making the right choices.

                    Our School Rules are:

                    Follow instructions straight away

                    Show good manners at all times

                    Use kind hands, feet and words

                    Treating others with respect

                    Respecting each other’s property

  •  Teach our children to respect all differences in all people, through our PSHE curriculum, our approach to behaviour and all around the school, such as displays.
  • Enable our children not only to learn about the democratic process, but engage it in, through activities such as whole school voting days, school council voting and class votes for books, School Sports Crew. These activities ensure our children’s voices are heard.
  • Extra-curricular learning such as Year 6’s visiting Warning Zone, which educates them about the rule of law, their responsibilities and how to keep themselves safe.
  • Collective worship and visitors from different faiths
  • Celebration of spiritual, moral, social and cultural events all year round, as seen in our calendar of events below.
  • Special British Value Events / Days to continually promote these values, enhancing our PSHE and RE curriculums.


Our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Celebrations Calendar



British Values Link


School council elections

Reinforcing our school rules at the start of the new school year.

Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural and Democracy

* Children understand the importance of democracy

* Promotion of pupil voice

* Promotion of good behaviour

* Understand the rule of law.

* Understanding the importance of keeping safe, secure and what happens when rules are broken


Harvest Festival


Collection of food donations given to our local Food bank and celebrated at Holy Trinity Church

Spiritual and Moral

* To understand the importance of Harvest.

* To understand how we can support those who are in need

* To promote collaborative partnerships with the local community

* To develop tolerance and mutual respect for people of all faiths  

11th November


Armistice Day


The whole school joined in a collective act of worship commemorating those who lost their lives in the service of their country.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural

* To understand the importance of commemoration

* Respect those who have fight for our country

* Respect for all service people from the past and present



Anti-bullying Week


Social and Moral

* To reinforce our school anti-bullying ethos

* To ensure all children are equipped to recognise and challenge bullying behaviours

* Making sure children understand their role if they think someone is being bullied

* Making a positive contribution to society


Children in Need

Social and Moral

* To Raise awareness of child poverty and other factors affecting children in the UK and further afield


Guy Fawkes Night

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

* To raise awareness in our children of democracy, rule of law and tolerance of religion



Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

* To allow our children to know about a key religious festival in our locality



Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

* To allow our children to know about a key Christian religious festival


Safer Internet Day


Social and Moral

* To reinforce our e-safety message so that children are empowered to make safe moral choices in their internet use.



Chinese New Year


Social and Cultural

* To acquire an appreciation for and respect for other cultures across the world


Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent

Cultural, Spiritual, Social and Moral

* Pupils to understand that Easter is an important event within the calendar of Christianity.


Red Nose Day

Social, Moral and Cultural

* To Raise awareness of child poverty and other factors affecting children in the UK

* To deepen understanding of the inequalities in the wider world and raise awareness of the experiences and challenges that some children face


EYFS Castle Visit


* To understand more about the history of our locality

* To recognises differences


World Autism Day

British Values, Mutual Respect and Tolerance

* To recognise and celebrate differences

* To appreciate that others have different strengths and challenges

* To promote respect and tolerance of others

March - May

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Cultural, social and Democracy

* Pupils will experience celebrating a national and historical event.

* School council formed joint planning committee with PFTA to develop a plan for our celebrations


Commonwealth Games Baton Competition

Cultural and social

* All children have opportunity to understand the commonwealth games and its history and relevance to our society today. Local event



Throughout the year

Sports Day


Sporting events throughout the year

Cultural and Social

* To promote teamwork, respect and tolerance

* To engage in healthy competition and encourage team mates to do well

* To recognise individual strengths and celebrate them

* To develop perseverance and resilience