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Woodcote Primary School

Woodcote Primary School has an atmosphere of care, warmth and nurture, a school where every individual is valued and cared for. 

I hope that you enjoy looking through our pages and finding out a little bit more about our school. If you are in the area, you are more than welcome to come and have a look around so you can experience first-hand some of the exciting and creative learning that takes place at Woodcote.


  We were visited by Ofsted in November 2022 and the report is available in our 'Key Information' menu.

What is it like to attend this school? - Ofsted November 2022

Woodcote Primary School is a friendly and welcoming place to learn. The school’s aims of ‘believing and achieving’ are woven through all that the school does. The majority of parents are happy with the school. Typical comments include ‘Woodcote is such a caring school. I cannot praise this school highly enough.’ Pupils have well-established routines and know what is expected of them. Staff have high expectations for all pupils. Classrooms are calm and behaviour is good.
Pupils display lovely manners and are polite. They value the rewards system and love to earn house points for their team. Pupils behave well at playtimes and show genuine care for each other. Older pupils go out of their way to include younger pupils in the games that they play. Pupils say that bullying is rare. They are confident that adults sort out any incidents of bullying well.
Pastoral provision is a strength of the school. Adults form strong partnerships with pupils. Pupils feel safe and well cared for. They say that there is always someone to talk to if they have any worries. School leaders ensure that effective support is in place for pupils who may struggle to manage their own emotions.